Primary 1 New Entrants
The enrolment of new entrants takes place during the second week in November each year. Holy Cross works with local nurseries to ensure that there is an effective liaison programme. Staff from Holy Cross visit nurseries to work alongside children in the term before entry to school. Information about our school is shared with parents through a series of workshops as part of the induction programme. This ensures that parents are able to view the range of activities and resources available and have the opportunity to speak with staff. Pupils settle quickly into Primary 1 following these visits to the school.
You can enrol your child using this link:
You will be required to provide the following documentation:
your child's birth certificate
your child's passport
both parents passports if your child does not have a British passport
a council tax bill or utility bill as proof of address
your child's baptismal certificate, where appropriate.
Children entering at other stages:
You can enrol your child using this link:
You will be required to provide the following documentation:
your child's birth certificate
your child's passport
both parents passports if your child does not have a British passport
a council tax bill or utility bill as proof of address
your child's baptismal certificate, where appropriate.
If you require further support with enrolling your child, please contact the school office on 0141 423 2538 for assistance.